When did you start at UMD? Why did you choose to work at UMD?
I started at UMD in fall 2021. I was previously employed at Essentia Health and St. Luke's and found I really liked working with clients in a teaching capacity. After working through the pandemic, I was ready for a change and a position became available at UMD. I jumped on it and haven't looked back! I love my role of teaching and being a clinical instructor for undergraduate and graduate students.
What do you like most about your job?
This is hard because there are a lot of things I enjoy doing in this job! I really love the energy and passion of the students. Getting to meet so many bright and motivated individuals inspires me to keep learning. I also really like the communication sciences and disorders department. My colleagues make work fun and there is a sense of comradery that creates a great learning atmosphere.
What is your research focus?
When I was working in healthcare my primary focus was with adult brain injury clients. Since transitioning to UMD, my skill set has broadened to include pediatric clients with a focus on literacy and language. I've had great opportunities to learn more therapy techniques and get to know some great families at the RFP Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic.
Do you have any advice for students?
Say yes to opportunities. You may feel nervous or feel you are underqualified, but there is no greater learning opportunity than jumping in and trying something yourself!
What do you like to do in your free time?
I have two daughters, Marilyn and Emily, and they keep me very busy. We enjoy going to the parks around Duluth, up the North Shore, or down to Jay Cooke. I am part of a book club and enjoy reading for fun. This October I am running my first half-marathon trail run and training for that has kept me busy this summer!