Offering safety and support

Social work internship confirms student’s passion for advocacy

Katt Kaufman has always been passionate about advocating for those in need. Her internship at a shelter for those experiencing domestic violence deepened her dedication to a career in helping others.

“A lot of people don’t realize that there’s more to DV [domestic violence] than you’d think,” says Kaufman, citing several other forms of mistreatment such as financial and emotional abuse or power differentials. 

Before the internship, she had not known how these non-physical forms of abuse contribute to and perpetuate intimate partner violence. Her experience helped her recognize a personal connection with the issue—her mom had been in an abusive relationship.

At Safe Haven Shelter and Resource Center, Kaufman helps with the intake process, mainly taking crisis line calls and attending welcome meetings. She also helps with the general operations of the shelter and has gotten to observe what the resource center at Safe Haven does for clients too.

Broadly, those who come to Safe Haven are provided with essentials and a safe place to stay. The shelter accepts anyone who is fleeing from domestic violence and provides them with the resources to take back their life. 

“It’s difficult to see those who have just left their homes,” she says, “but it’s nice to be able to provide a place where they can be safe, and it feels good that I’m helping provide that.” 

 Before her internship, Kaufman started with volunteering for the Program to Aid Victims of Sexual Assault (PAVSA), taking calls from their crisis line. She has since become involved in volunteering for the UMD Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC).

Besides her activism, she is triple majoring in social workpsychology; and women, gender, and sexuality studies. She aims to become a clinical social worker, focusing on case management, advocacy and therapy.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Here are some ways to help Safe Haven during this month and beyond.