Note: Theses/projects for graduates from 2010 forward are stored/accessed electronically through UM Libraries Digital Conservancy.
Aanenson, J. (2004). The effects of an outdoor education experience on the self-esteem of college aged women.
Allen, J. (2018). Small farm ownership transfer in the western Lake Superior region: A multi-case study.
Allen, M. (2017). Evaluating the motivations and perspectives of college students volunteering with the Partners in Education program.
Amenumey, F. (2005). Assessment of regional energy potential: A case study of northeast Minnesota and implications for social change.
Anderson, A. (1999). Integrating the environment at Stowe Elementary: A case study.
Anderson, M. (2016). The illegal ivory trade and art: Engaging adult museum visitors in elephant conservation.
Arthur, A. (2015) The Inclusion of Environmental Education in Formal Education through the Use of Educational Technology, a Study of Project NOAH.
Aspenson, J. (2011). The influence of outdoor education to improve the quality of life for individuals with dementia.
Athman, J. (1998). The Bald Eagle Nesting Project: A National Park Service "Parks as Classrooms" Program.
Bashir Bhat, F. (2024). Exploration of increased visitor use motivations and impacts on the visitor experience as well as on the natural resources.
Bates, T. (1996). A method for training inservice teachers in environmental education.
Bartels, T. (2019). Creating Connection to Nature:A Curriculum Project Combining Interpretation with Adventure Education.
Beery, T. (1993). Environmental service: A partnership with nature.
Bell, R. (2015). Place-Based Environmentalism: An Ethnographic Study of Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors in the Rural, Agricultural Landscape of Wilmar, MN.
Bierbrauer, A. (2010). Early childhood nature curriculum for the formal preschool classroom.
Bishop, B. (2012). An evaluation of the Wolf Ridge ELC education program purpose.
Blanco, J. (2021). Visitor Maps, Wayfinding, Place Meaning: Daisetsuzan National Park of Hokkaido, Japan.
Blood, N. (2014). Developing the next generation of conservation leaders: Promoting environmentally responsible behavior through the Student Climate and Conservation Congress.
Bluhm, B. (2016). Integrating sustainability education into the university pre-service teacher elementary education curriculum through the lens of school gardens.
Bockes, M. (2015). The value of school forests in Wisconsin: Perspectives of district Administrators.
Bray, R. (2018). Impact of Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa programming on young adult participants social and emotional learning.
Brown, M. (2017). Influences on students' attitudes toward science using problem-based learning.
Brown, S. (1997). Environmental education curriculum for parent educators working with parents of young children.
Bruno, L. (2021). Nature Preschools as Promoters of Physical Activity.
Bryan, R. (2017). MN Department of Natural Resources "I Can Camp!": A program evaluation of participant behaviors post-program.
Burcar, L. (2020). The Effect of Mentorship on Environmental Education Perceptions and Practice at Stowe Elementary School.
BySura, J. (2015). Reading nature as a strategy to increase science achievement and ecological content knowledge in middle school students.
Carlson, B.K. (2007). Development of an evaluation plan for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Prairie Wetlands Learning Center's environmental education program.
Carlson, R.S. (2000). Using a videotape feedback package to improve sea kayak skills.
Carpenter, P. (2016). Gikinoo’wizhiwi Onji Waaban (Guiding for Tomorrow) Changing Climate, Changing Culture professional development institute’s influence on classroom teachers.
Cole, E. (1986). A marketing plan for environmental education, cross cultural program for K-12 teachers.
Croteau, C.E. (2007). Assessment of racial and ethnic diversity among professionals in environmental education.
Curtes, M.J. (2007). The influence of community gardens on gardeners' environmental attitudes.
Curry, S. (2015). Brain-based learning in interpretive exhibit design.
Davidson, G.S. (1992). A safety auditing instrument for adventure education.
Davis, J. (2017). Why do people fear snakes?: An evaluation of influencing perceptions through participation in a live snake education program.
Drake, C. (2017). Traditional ecological knowledge, Native American worldviews, and environmental education: Assessing the knowledge and attitudes of higher education environmental education instructors.
Dennis, D. (2000). The role of environmental education in student achievement: An ex post facto study of standardized science assessment scores of special education.
Dewan, B. (2017). Nepalese teachers' perceptions regarding experienced-based learning in EE.
Diem, H. (2022). Garden-based learning in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin nature preschools: An exploratory inquiry.
Di Leo, M. (2021). The Nature Monologues: Weaving Environmental Education and Theatre Education for High School Students.
Dragich, M. (2005). Garden and landscape based environmental education.
Edgerton, C. (2023). Benefits and limitations of multiple agencies managing a protected nature area.
Einerson, D. (2009). Behavior management strategies utilized by wilderness therapy instructors.
Eliason, G. (2007). A unit of curriculum for environmental science education at Moose Lake Community Schools.
Erpestad, K. (2013). Once upon a time: The power of oral storytelling as a tool for EE.
Erpestad, M. (2013). Motivations and values of outdoor education students: Perspectives from North Karelia, Finland and MN.
Erickson, D. (2012). The effects of outdoor education mentoring on teacher job satisfaction.
Factor, M. (2016). An evaluation of the Wolf Ridge Student Teacher Program: Past participants' perspectives.
Faris, H. (2012). Fostering attitudes of empathy toward animals in youth through play experiences.
Feldbrugge, R. (2016). The effect of a canoe-based wilderness immersion experience on young adolescents' connectedness to nature.
Fillmore, S. (2016). iPaddle: Incorporating the use of iPads into an outdoor education curriculum.
Fisher, C. (2021).Duluth-Area Grade School Teacher Lyme Disease and Tick Bite Prevention Knowledge, Awareness, Attitudes and Behaviors Needs Assessment.
Floberg, K. (2015). Best practices in environmental education field trips: The importance off Minnesota Duluth. curricular integration, preparation, and follow-up.
Forsey, E. (2017). Wilderness experiences and body image in women: A critical interpretive synthesis.
French, B. (2011). How are outdoor educators in MN using technology to deliver curriculum?
Fritz, K. (2015). Branching out of the classroom: The influence of natural settings on the directed attention of fifth grade children.
Gebhard, S. (2022). Interactions Between Minnesota Rock Climbers and State Park Managers: Toward What End?
Geissler, J. (2007). Storm water Planning Initiative Project: Designing an educational web-based land use and storm water planning map server.
Gilbertson, K. (1984). A curriculum proposal for a concentration in outdoor/environmental education.
Greene, K. (2011). Caring for God's creation: A Catholic EE curriculum for grades K-2.
Grunwald, N. (2014). The development of a technology-infused 5th-8th grade earth science curriculum focusing on caves.
Hadiaris, K. (2009). Assessing the usability of the University of Minnesota Extension's Best Practices for Field Days.
Hakala, C. (2015). Lake Superior Beach Monitoring and Notification Program: An Evaluation.
Hansen, E. (2014). Interpretive accommodations for National Park Service visitors who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Hanson, S.G. (2002). The relationship between age and attitude toward forest resources in the state of Minnesota.
Haugen, C. (2011). A quantitative assessment of the presence of stereotypes of environmental educators among teachers.
Henry, K. (2016). Examining the effect of the Hunter's Choice: Alternative Ammunition project on Minnesota deer hunters' knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intentions, and behaviors regarding lead ammunition.
Hueffmeier, R. (2012). Evaluation plan for an earthworm rapid assessment tool training program for land managers.
Hughes, A. (2015). Exploring the recognized benefits of students' outdoor play and cold weather attitudes among educational communities of Northeastern Minnesota.
Hugues-Parry, C. (2024). Using reflexivity to preserve the integrity of participatory action research as applied to a proposed study on environmental science and people in the St. Louis River watershed.
Hummel Turner, A. (2013). An evaluation of a nature based outdoor recreation program for children on the autism spectrum.
Iverson, K. (2001). The significant life experiences that motivate individuals to enter EE.
Jensrud, E. (2020). Development of Environmental and Outdoor Activities within an Out-of-School Time Program at Congdon Park Elementary School.
Jones, E. (2023). Strengthening connections to place: An experiential and project- based curriculum project for estuary education.
Jones, E.K. (2007). Cultural perceptions of newly immigrated Mexican-American students' success and participation in outdoor education.
Juckett, H. (2021). Assessing the Growth of Protective Factors Associated with Resilience across Nature, Blended, and Traditional Preschool Classrooms.
Kohlin, P. (2012). Motivations of pre-service teachers in physical education to incorporate outdoor education into their curriculum.
Kohlstedt, J. (2004). Life on a Finnish homestead: A cultural history curriculum interpreting the lifestyle of Finnish homesteaders in Finland, Minnesota, circa 1905.
Kowalczak, C. (2013). Native American students' perceptions of the Manoomin STEM camp.
Kramer, L. (2023). Novice rock climbers’ perception of movement skill transfer from indoor climbing walls to outdoor natural rock faces.
Krause, S. (2006). Utilization of school forests in Minnesota.
Kristenson, K. (2014). Educating adults through today's youth: Children as catalysts of adult environmental education.
Kroll, M. (2024). Perceptions of continued resilience development in nature preschool alumni.
Kubarek-Sandor, J. (2006). The influence of aquaria on the science literacy of ecotourists: A case study of the Great Lakes Aquarium of Duluth, Minnesota.
LaMourea, B. (1999). The process of the development of the site management plan dedicated to environmental education curriculum for K-12 at Hermantown.
Larson, C. (2007). A comparison of kindergarten play behavior in two environments.
Larson, E.A. (2002). Recommendations for the development of a forest management interpretive trail.
Legault, J. (2014). Connecting local story and landscape through community-based interpretation in Quetico Provincial Park.
Lerohl, S. (2009). What we use and why it matters: A cross-discipline analysis of household consumption.
Li, J. (2012). Exploring American and Chinese urban youth's value orientations toward the human-nature relationship.
Little, B. (2017). Guidelines for including underrepresented communities in the leadership of outdoor education and nature-based activities.
Lindberg, M. (2018). Benefits of group-based wilderness trips for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Lundeen, M. (2003). Developing standards for interpretation in a state park system.
McAllister, K. (2021). Young Children, Nature Play, and Sustainability: A Systematic Review.
McEnroe, T. (2020).The Bdote Project: Merging Confluences of Ecological Knowledge to Connect Rivers, Cultures and Science.
McNulty, J. (2021). Sap to Syrup: Curriculum project for the St Croix Tribal Head Start.
Merolle, J. (2009). Sustainable consumption with a focus on food: A fifth grade unit for the formal setting.
Meyer, N.J. (2002). Writing out impacts: Effects of an environmental expressive writing exercise.
Meyer, R.L. (2002). The effect of green space on urban children's sense of community.
Morabito, A. (2009). An evaluative study of the Laurentian Environmental Center's Advent rue Education Journey program.
Munshower, E. (2022). River Quest: A programmatic evaluation.
Neil, A. (2023). Exploring the potential of nature-based practices to support executive function in early childhood.
Nienhaus, C. (2017). Investigation into young adult participation in conservation organizations in Minnesota.
Niemi, J.V. (2007). Niizhwaaching ishkodeng (The seventh fire): Healing of the people through the Earth.
Nganji, E. (2013). Effect of song on 5th grade students' EE knowledge and retention.
Nocera, J. (2009). An interdisciplinary, standards-based K-5 school forest curriculum for Birch Grove Elementary.
Nsangong, K. (2019). Environmental science education curriculum for outdoor learning in Cameroon's English-speaking primary schools: A pilot project for mission schools in Limbe 1 Subdivision - Cameroon.
O'Connell, P. (2003). Wisconsin's wetlands: A standards-based environmental education unit for sixth grade students in Northwest Wisconsin.
O'Gara, J. (2022). Debunking Wolf Myths Curriculum Project.
Olson, E.J. (2001). The effects of a wilderness-based program on first-year college students' self-actualization.
Olsen, N. (2008). A start-up manual for farm-based education programs.
Osterlund, M. (2007). The provision of environmental education at northern Midwest Protestant Christian camps.
Peterson, D. (2003). Visitor behavior in response to traditional and interactive multimedia learning kiosk exhibitry.
Petry, G. (2016). Motivations and trends of active old adult users and how they influence outdoor adventure education program opportunities.
Poliseno, J. (2012). The effect of environmental charter school participation on environmental literacy.
Potter, E. (2017). Creating possibilities for MN: Sustainability education at environmental education centers.
Reetz, E. (2013). ArchaeologEE: An EE program for public land management agencies and American Indian school children.
Reising, R. (2000). A marketing plan for the Lake Superior Zoological Gardens education department.
Richgels Fisher, A. (2006). Wilderness experience and its affect on the body image of teenage girls.
Robinson, E. (2019). The influence of environment-based education on students' basic psychological needs and academic self-regulation.
Ryan, D. (2012). Mentoring relationships in angling education.
Schaeffer, D. (2003). The evaluation of the EE emphasis at Harriet Beech Stowe Elementary.
Schiff, J. (2011). Motivations, barriers, and constraints affecting underprivileged youths' participation in outdoor recreation.
Schmid, E. (2011). The effects of animal-assisted activities on the social and emotional development of young children.
Schwartz, J. (2013). Raptors in education: How educators use live raptors for EE.
Schumacher, M. (2024). Effects of Nature-Based Learning on Elementary Students’ Sustained Attention: An Exploratory Study.
Sellars, S. (2009). Integrating Wolf Ridge ELC's Changing Climate classes into the formal classroom.
Sheridan, P. (2003). Retention of wilderness trip leaders by summer residential camps.
Shimek, S. (2012). Connecting scientist and adult leaders through technology to further authentic science inquiry.
Silliman, S. (2000). Ecotourism and EE in Zimbabwean National Parks.
Sinks, S. (2008). The influence of setting on student generated questions.
Smith, T. (2008). An interdisciplinary curriculum K-6 school forest curriculum for South Terrace Elementary.
Smithson, P. (1999). A training guide for staff at a residential summer YMCA camp using environmental education curricula.
Solin, J. (2000). Guidelines to guide the facilitator in planning and implementing a community-based, sustainable forestry education program.
Spencer, S. (2012). Exploring the relationship between digital nature photography and children's' connectedness to nature.
Sproat, F. (2021). Wilderness Masculinity and The Impact of Wilderness Experiences on Perceptions of Masculinity.
Stelley, H. (2024). Nature-Based Early Learning and Preschoolers' Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary: An Exploratory Study.
Stewart, M. (2015). A Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center Organic Farm: A Curriculum Evaluation.
Stewart, R. (2020). Emerging Adults & Lasting Change: Assessing the Voyageur Outward Bound School Pathfinder Program.
Stieler, D. (2014). Teacher perspectives of the Partners in Education single-session outreach lessons.
Strom, A. (2007). Effectiveness of Monarchs in the Classroom curricula on seventh grade students' knowledge and attitudes towards insects.
Stuchis, K.J. ( 2007). Environmental service-learning: A longitudinal field-study of Stowe Elementary School.
Teather, A. (2020). Investigating the Development of Executive Function Skills in Nature and Non-Nature Preschool Classrooms
Theimer, S.A. (2009). Fostering "connectedness to nature" through U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service education and outreach programming: A qualitative evaluation.
Timmerman, R. (2015). Assessing residents' knowledge, attitudes, and values toward the Duluth urban deer herd.
Towne, S.K. (2007). The role of place attachment in K-12 outreach environmental education.
Underwood, C. (2023). Rooted in community: Toward a grounded theory of empathy development in nature preschools.
Vizcarra, N. (2006). The experience of visitor-wildlife interactions in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
Vos, J. (2013). Staff evaluation in Minnesota environmental education centers.
Wakely, A. (2014). The wisdom of uncertainty: Exploring the beliefs of American Indian practitioners on teaching about the Ojibwe in environmental education.
Walewski, J. (2003). Environmental educator literacy competencies for the workplace with applications for Minnesota Residential Environmental Learning Centers (RELC's): A theoretical approach. Unpublished Curriculum Guidelines.
Waters, D. (2005). The development of a long range management plan for the Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory.
Webster, K. (1994). Adult environmental literacy in a wilderness trip setting: An instructor's guide.
Wesley, J. (2005). The influence of 9-month naturalist internship programs on careers in environmental education.
Whittier, L. (2000). Integrating residential environmental education into the classroom: A survey of teachers and environmental educators.
Wilmoth, E. (2018). Duluth area teachers’ perceptions of nonformal environmental education programs.
Wojciehowski, M. (2017). Creative by nature: Investigating the impact of nature preschools on young children's creative thinking.
Wood, A. (2006). Perceived influences on middle school teachers' participation in annual residential ELC field trips.
Workman, A. (2004). The effect of an integrated environmental education curriculum on the standardized assessment scores of elementary students.
Zak, K. (2005). An assessment of pre-service teachers' understanding of Ecology using concept maps.
Zamzow, J. (2018). Supporting school readiness naturally: Investigating executive function growth in nature preschools.
Zender Zins, M. (2004). Sustainable communities: Understanding access and support.
Zins, M. (2005). Sustainable communities: Understanding access and support.
Zoellick, E. (2010). Philosophical orientation to adult learning: A descriptive study of MN environmental educators.
Zwickey, K. (2012). Fostering connectedness to nature through digital photo journaling: A USFWS curriculum.
Zwiebel, Z. (2011). Fifteen year evolution in implementing policy through education and marketing.