ICWA Grant 2016-2023

Over the course of the grant, the project team created a number of resources related to data and best practices. Each of the categories below contain both accessible and non-accessible PDF’s. If you would like to request more information or accessible versions of any of the documents, please contact the Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare. 

Publications, Articles, Guides and Reports

The following are publications created in collaboration with members of the Tribal State Partnership focused on topics relevant to the work of the team.  Some of the publications were produced by the University of Minnesota Duluth (the PDF’s) and others were produced by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.


The videos below feature members of the Tribal State Partnership Team and were created by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. 

Forms and Tools

The following forms and tools are or were being used by the University of Minnesota Duluth, the St. Louis County Duluth Court, and the St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services Children and Family Services south team, and the St. Louis County Duluth Court