Brianne Vigen

Brianne Vigen
Professional Title
Academic Advisor

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I am a University of Minnesota Duluth and CEHSP alum having graduated with a B.A. majoring in History and Interdisciplinary Studies (French Studies), a B.A.A. in Teaching Social Studies, and a Certificate in Educational Computing and Technology. For just over a decade, I was a high school Social Studies teacher in Duluth. During this time, I completed an M.A. in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, St. Paul. As an advisor, I am excited to get back to my roots of working with students and helping them explore their goals. I advise for the Secondary Teacher Education Program, Physical Education, Health and Physical Education, and Psychology.

I am a lifelong Duluthian. Outside of work, I am an avid downhill skier and enjoy being outdoors by Lake Superior or hiking in one of the many surrounding parks.