Staff spotlight: Jenny Bouchie

Meet Jenny Bouchie, field placement officer in the CEHSP Accreditation, Licensure and Field Experience (ALFE) office. 

What is your title/role? 

Field Placement Officer

When did you start working at UMD/with CEHSP? 

Originally, I started working as a Student Teaching Supervisor in 2012, but started full time as a faculty member in 2013 and transitioned to the Field Placement Officer position in 2019.    

Why did you choose to work at UMD?  

UMD is my alma mater and I really liked the idea of working with the same programs I had completed. Additionally, over the years, I've come to realize that I truly enjoy mentoring and interacting with teacher candidates and students across campus who are interested in supporting children in their development.  

What do you like most about your job?  

I like many parts of my job, but lately, I've had some really neat interactions with former UMD teacher education candidates who are now experienced enough to begin hosting our current candidates. They are so excited to give back to their program and to UMD that it reinforces my belief that we're doing some fantastic things here! 

What advice do you have for students? 

Experience as much as you can. Ask questions; try new things. Attending college is a big decision to make, a big decision to carry through on and it can be stressful. Know that there are people all over this campus and community who are so happy to help! 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

Hike and spend time with family and friends, cheer on our local athletic teams, cook, read books and watch movies (but never scary ones)!