- We have faculty who are dedicated to the program and love to teach. Our faculty use meaningful examples and authentic, multidisciplinary learning experiences to help students connect what they are learning to the real world and contribute to the communities around them. The expertise of our program faculty ranges from outdoor and environmental education, science education, and adventure education, to early childhood, elementary, and secondary education.
- We are part of an active regional EE community with many opportunities to learn from and contribute to partnering organizations such as UMD's Outdoor Program, Wolf Ridge ELC, Great Lakes Aquarium, Boulder Lake ELC, MN State Parks, Duluth area schools, and NPS and USFS areas in the region. At the same time, we value the exchange of ideas, programs, and research with cultures and countries around the world.
- We have a campus that embraces sustainability as one of its core values. UMD's Office of Sustainability works toward integrating sustainability into all aspects of campus life through communication, education, and inspiring action. Check out this virtual tour of sustainability features at UMD!
- We regularly use our campus's 55-acre Bagley Nature Area, as well as our sustainable Bagley Classroom for learning experiences. This classroom is designed to be a LEED Certified Platinum Award building and serves as a model of sustainable design and construction.
- We are located in Duluth, rated by Outdoor Magazine as one of America's Top 10 Outdoor Towns. Perched on the shore of Lake Superior, Duluth has over 11,000 acres of public open space with nearly 100 miles of hiking and cross-country ski trails and 42 streams. Students also can enjoy the nearby Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Isle Royale National Park, and Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
- We are committed to place conscious education, acknowledging past and present, and committed to advocating for future stewardship of the Land.