Performance Evaluations

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Annual Performance Evaluation (for Merit)


Department Head

Guidelines for Faculty

Submit a completed WORKS generated Annual Activity Report for merit to the Department Head. Deadline will be determined by your Department Head.  As outlined in Section 202.000-202.300 of the UEA Agreement, also submit to your Department Head tabulated survey results from course evaluations if selected for teaching evaluation. The Annual Activity Report and your Department Head's recommendation and verification will be placed in your Academic Record File.

Determination of Merit Percentages

A final rating for merit distribution is calculated using approved distribution of effort percentages:

  • Tenure track and tenured faculty members are evaluated using 60% for teaching, 30% for research, and 10% for service.
  • Non-regular (contract) faculty are evaluated using 90% for teaching and 10% for service.

You may only indicate an exception on this part of the Annual Activity Report if a signed Request for Change of Merit Percentage form is on file for the current evaluation year. See section 250.400 of the current contract.
If you plan to request a change of merit percentage for the next evaluation year, the Request of Change of Merit Percentage (Google Doc copy) must be on file by March 15. Changing the merit percentages is for determination of merit purposes for the evaluation year due to some activity that year such as grant administration and does not represent a change in workload assignment. The change is on a year-to-year basis and will revert back to the standard distribution above if a new form is not submitted and approved for the subsequent year.

Teaching, Research and Professional Productivity, Service/Outreach Sections: Consult your Departmental 7.12 document and any departmental merit rubrics that may exist for items to include in your written summary. Tenured faculty should also consider the Departmental Indices for Post Tenure Review. Teaching evaluations must involve only the approved tools selected by the faculty member for the approved courses identified by them and submitted to the college by September 15th as outlined in sections 202.200-202.270 of the contract.

Summary Statement and Self-Evaluation: Along with your Annual Activity Report and summary of your student evaluations of teaching (if selected), also submit a signed copy of the Summary Statement and Self-Evaluation to your Department Head.  For each performance category, you may choose to list new endeavors, innovative instructional development, or use of technology in teaching, research or service. Provide a self-rating using the following scale. A faculty member who is doing well and is meeting expectations should receive a 3. The ratings will generally be in whole numbers (4,3,2,1) but mid ratings (i.e. 3.5, 2.5) may be used. Ratings above 3 signify accomplishments above expectations and 4 signifies extraordinary accomplishment.

Promotion and Tenure and the WORKS report: Tenure-track faculty, or tenured associate professors who plan to seek professor rank, should maintain extensive documentation of the data collected on the Annual Activity Report each year it is submitted. Effective organization and presentation of yearly Annual Activity Report data is critical to the promotion and tenure process.

Guidelines for Department Heads

Department Head Responsibilities
  • Complete a Recommendation and Verification form for each faculty member. This must be completed by the Department Head only and reflects the Department Head's evaluation of the faculty member's work performance.
  • Submit copies of the WORKS generated Annual Activities Report, a copy of the student evaluations of teaching (if selected), a copy of the Summary Statement and Self-Evaluation, and the Recommendation and Verification forms for each faculty member to the Dean's Office.
  • Complete a Departmental Rating Summary form (Excel file) using individual faculty performance data and submit to the Dean's office. The CEHSP Administrative Manager will send you a copy of the Rating Summary spreadsheet.

Contract Faculty Review

Before letters of offer for continuing contract faculty members are issued, the department head must meet with the Dean to discuss the following issues regarding renewals.

  • performance data in teaching and service
  • discipline fit for department curriculum
  • workload needs
  • capacity for fulfilling those needs
  • key faculty support (this can be a Leadership Council, Executive Council, or some Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty group.

P&T Form

P@T Form (Word doc)

Promotion and Tenure 7.12 Documents

Probationary Faculty Appraisal

Request for Percentage Change in Determination of Merit

UEA Contract

UEA Contract (Google Doc)