The Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Environmental and Outdoor Education major familiarizes students with nonformal outdoor education settings and provides extensive training in outdoor education methodology and program delivery. Nature-based outdoor recreation is emphasized as both method and goal.
The major prepares students for professional careers in the broad field of outdoor education, including adventure education, environmental interpretation, and environmental education. Graduates from this program are prepared for careers in a variety of settings, such as environmental education centers (nature centers, residential environmental learning centers); natural resource agencies and facilities (DNR, NPS, USFS, State Parks); nonprofits (scouts, museums, zoos, camps); adventure education schools; adjudicated youth facilities; and high adventure camps.
Core degree components include outdoor education methods, physical skills development, program planning and delivery, management, evaluation, and principles of outdoor education and recreation. The environmental and outdoor education major is a four-year curriculum including one full semester of field placement in an outdoor educational setting.
This major provides professional training for non-formal education settings that do not require a teaching license as a prerequisite credential. Refer to the environmental education concentration under the teaching life science and/or teaching earth and space science majors for a related training that includes teaching licensure.
- Degree Requirements
- Sample Plan
- Environmental & Outdoor Education Program Overview and Student Learning Outcomes
For additional information, please contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator,
Matti Erpestad, 218-726-7333, [email protected]