Map & Directions

Location of the CSD Department & RFP Clinic

The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the Robert F. Pierce Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic are located in the Chester Park Building in the southeastern part of the UMD campus.

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders & Robert F. Pierce Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic address

31 W. College Street
Duluth, MN 55812
(218) 726-8199

On your GPS, use 64 W. Clover Street, Duluth, MN 55812

From I-35

  1. Take the 21st Avenue East Exit (Exit 258)
  2. Turn LEFT onto S. 21st Avenue East
  3. Turn slight RIGHT onto Woodland Avenue
  4. Turn LEFT onto Clover Street

From Highway 53

  1. Turn LEFT onto Arrowhead Road
  2. Turn RIGHT onto Woodland Avenue
  3. Turn RIGHT onto Clover Street

Check out the UMD Chester Park maps webpage for more information.