Tuition & Funding

Tuition and Fees

Flyer for grad school tuition costs 2023-2024

Financial Assistance

Although some of our students hold a part-time job outside of the program, most choose not to take on additional employment so that they can focus on coursework, research, teaching assistantships, and applied experiences. 

To date, every student has received some form of assistance to fund their graduate education.  Here are some opportunities:

  • Graduate Teaching Assistantships:  Most graduate students accept a one semester teaching assistantship.  These positions come with salary, partial insurance benefits, and tuition reduction for that semester (tuition cost is 50% of the in-state rate).
  • Travel Funding: Both the graduate school and the MAPS program provide funding for students to present research at local, national, or international conferences.  Amount is dependent on funding each year, but $800 per student has been offered to date.
  • Research Project Funding:  Students may apply for departmental grants for their research projects. Over the past three years, 30 student have received funding, ranging in amount from $415 to $5,450 (median = $1,855).
  • Out-of-State Tuition:  UMD also has reciprocity with several surrounding states. Resident tuition rates are available to students who are not a resident of MN or a reciprocity state during the semester they are employed as a graduate assistant. Carry forward resident tuition is available under certain conditions.
  • Other Employment/Positions:  Many students find other paid position that offer relevant experience that contribute to their professional development.  These include paid positions within the Psychology Department (e.g., Assessment Lab Assistant, Psychophysiology Lab Manager, and Psychology Program Learning Assessment Assistant), within UMD (e.g., Mentor for Students in Transition, Tutor), and area Colleges (e.g., College Counseling Internship, Data Analytics Internship).