Faculty & Staff Resources

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Academic Complaint Policy

Academic Complaint Policy on EVCAA website

Accident Procedures

Accident Procedures

Accident Procedures on UMD HR website

Affiliation Agreement

There must be an Affiliation Agreement signed and on file with every school or other agency in which students are placed for practicum, student teaching, or internships.

An Affiliation Agreement must be current and effective before a student can start their work at an affiliate’s site. To ensure students have ample opportunity to complete their placement in the timeframe implied by the class schedule and the credit standards policy, an agreement covering the timeframe of the placement must be in place before the start of the term in which their field work will take place. 

If a new or updated agreement is needed, it must be signed by the affiliate and submitted to the Associate Dean no later than two weeks before the end of the term prior to when the student will be placed.  Term, in this context, includes regular semesters and summer terms. 

 The following contract templates have been approved by Office of General Counsel.

CEHSP Affiliation Agreement


  1. Download the Affiliation Agreement file. Prepare the contract and submit electronically to the Associate Dean with dated signatures from the Department and the affiliated agency. This must occur no later than two weeks before the end of the term prior to when the student will be placed.
  2. The Associate Dean or Dean will sign on behalf of the College.
  3. The EVCAA has authority to sign on behalf of the Board of Regents. The College will forward the agreement to the EVCAA and obtain their signature. Agreements are sent once per week- on Friday afternoons - to the EVCAA unless there is an exceptional circumstance.
  4. Signed documents will be forwarded to the department. The Department is responsible for sending a signed copy to the affiliated agency.
  5. An electronic copy will be maintained on file by the Dean´s Office for the duration of the contract.

See also: Background Checks; Insurance, Certificate of

Background Checks

For Student Field Placement (safety of minors)

Fax your Background Check Request Cover Sheet for student field placement to 218-726-7631. Check out this Google Doc for detailed information regarding the background check process. Contact Shelby Swanson at 218-726-8627 with any questions about this process.

For Employment

Background checks for student, Civil Service, labor represented, faculty and Professional & Academic positions need to complete the UMD Background Check Request Cover Sheet and email [email protected], or fax to x7505.

Background Fee Courses

Building Emergency Plans (BEP) and Building Emergency Response Guides

Cancellation of Low-Enrollment Course Sections Policy

Sections of CEHSP undergraduate courses with fewer than 10 students, and CEHSP graduate courses with fewer than 5 students may be canceled by the Dean.  Class sections may be canceled any time beginning two weeks before the start of classes in Fall or Spring Semester. Summer Session courses will be canceled on or before April 30 in accordance with Section 508.100 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Between the Regents of the University of Minnesota and the University Education Association.  Faculty members may be given a new course or alternate assignment if their Fall or Spring semester course section is canceled due to low enrollment.

Determinants of cancellation include the following:

  1. Enrollment is below the enrollment minimum for the section

  2. Cancellation of the section will not, on its own, cause a delay in graduation for any enrolled student 

  3. There is no written commitment from administration to the instructor that the course would be offered in a given semester and enrollment is “non-zero”. Zero-enrollment sections will be canceled regardless of commitments.

  4. There is no institutional commitment to an outside organization that the course will be offered, and enrollment is “non-zero”.  Zero-enrollment sections will be canceled regardless of commitments.

Caucus Night

Consistent with Minnesota State law, at their December 2005 meeting, the Board of Regents approved a resolution authorizing the University of Minnesota to schedule classes and events on caucus night. This resolution also permitted individual accommodation for students who wished to attend their party caucus.

Caucuses are held on the first Tuesday evening of March. All classes and events scheduled for this night will be held as scheduled with the expectation that instructors will make reasonable accommodations for students desiring to attend a caucus.

If a faculty or staff member scheduled to teach on Tuesday night wants to attend their party caucus or if enough of their students indicate that they will be attending caucus so that holding class becomes impractical, instructors may either cancel class or make reasonable alternative arrangements.

CEHSP Conference Room (EduE 142) Guidelines

The Dean and the Department of Education has priority for use of the room and will schedule regular administrative meetings for an entire academic year. Other faculty, staff, departments and committees may schedule the room as needed.
Calendar of meetings will be posted each week. Call Support Staff at 7233 from the Department of Education to make reservations. If your meeting is cancelled, contact Support Staff also.
Reservations should be made no more than one month in advance. Meetings should be limited to three hours. Students may hold meetings, but it must be scheduled by a faculty advisor or instructor. Meetings that will end after 4:30 p.m. must have a faculty supervisor present who will be responsible for the room.
The person scheduling the room is responsible for the following at the end of the meeting:

  • Trash and food have been removed
  • Lights are turned off
  • Door is shut and locked
  • Chairs/room is put back in order
  • Support Staff will check the room every morning. If it is out of order, she will report that information to the Department Head

Any person or group may be refused use of the room if these guidelines are consistently ignored.
EduE 142 will comfortably seat up to 20 participants. The Conference room has audio visual equipment, white board, video conferencing equipment, and bulletin hanging strips. The Conference room contains a small sink. There is no access to photocopying or office supplies.

Clinical Experiences and Internships

The Department Head is responsible for assuring that:

  • appropriate contracts are in place with agencies in which students are present for any clinical experience associated with academic programs;
  • that students are aware of the agreement in place with the school or agency; and
  • that policies on background checks are enforced by all programs in the department. 

All courses and credit-bearing experience that requires a field placement, practicum, internship, externship, or student teaching component in a non-University of Minnesota setting must have a current. approved affiliation agreement, and comply with background check policies.

Internship Policies

  1. An Internship Manual, or a required prerequisite course, that outlines policies and procedures pertinent to the program sponsoring the internship.  The Manual or course syllabus must include reference to the policy on background checks (under development), and should advise students of background check requirements for licensure in the relevant field.
  2. The program should outline the responsibilities of site supervisors and have quality control processes in place.  
  3. Consistent and frequent contact between the instructor, the site supervisor and the student should take place over the course of the semester as appropriate for the program sponsoring an internship. This may include site visits, phone calls, email or other electronic communication.
  4. Students should document a minimum of 40 hours per credit (amount of time may vary by program) through the semester.
  5. Students should be required to document activity using various techniques including weekly time logs, journals, assignments, and/or final projects that assess learning outcomes.
  6. An Affiliation Agreement must be signed with the agency BEFORE an internship begins. Agreements from sites that require their own contract must be approved by Office of General Council before they can be executed. The contract is signed by the Executive Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs and Dean or Associate Dean of the College as per Delegation of Authority guidelines and filed in the Dean's Office. Any addendum to a contract proposed by an affiliate has to be approved by general counsel.
    • Signed contracts may be for up to five years.
    • When an individual placement is made, a letter confirming the placement with begin and ends dates should be on file in the department or with the internship supervisor.
  7. No retroactive credit will be awarded for what a student may perceive to be internship activity in an outside agency.
  8. Programs should be asked to review implementation of these policies regularly on request of the Associate Dean.

Commissioned Work Agreement

Computer Life Cycle Policy and Procedure


Constitution (Google doc)

Continuing Education Faculty Salary Chart


All CEHSP employees are obliged to follow UM Office of General Counsel regulations with regard to contracts. Guidelines are spelled out on the OGC Contracts page.

Internal Procedures are as follows:

  1. Prepare the contract and make enough copies so that there can be originals mailed for signatures to each individual involved in the contract. Submit copies, with appropriate signatures and envelopes prepared for mailing, to the Dean's Office.
  2. The contract is submitted to the Dean's Office with notation of any required clearance of Subject Matter Expert approval.
  3. The Administrative Manager will review to determine that
    • A standard contract* has been used with no changes made
    • There is no missing information; and
    • Subject matter signature authority has been attached as needed.
  4. The contract will be logged for Dean´s signature.
  5. Where the Dean has authority signature,
    • Signed documents will be forwarded to all parties.
    • One original will be maintained on file in the Dean's Office for the duration of the contract.
  6. If the Dean does not have authority signature, it will be forwarded to the appropriate UMD personnel for next signature.

Contract Letters (Procedures for Issuing)

Procedure for Issuance of Contract Letters of Appointment (Academic)

  1. Departments draft the letter using the required 100% contract letter template or the temp/casual letter template for less than 100% time appointments. Use the multi-year contract template for faculty on multi-year contracts.
  2. Letter is sent via email to Administrative Manager to clear workload and budget and to check for bargaining contract language, administrative policy adherence, and salary computations.
  3. Letter, signed by Dean, is returned to the department for employee signatures.
  4. Signed contract is secured to pay documents and forwarded to Administrative Manager for processing.

All contracts issued for instruction of CEHSP courses are to be issued by the Dean.

Curriculum Approval Process

Once curriculum proposals are approved by the Dean's Office, proposals are submitted to the EVCAA's office where they are forwarded to the next step (e.g., liberal education, UMD Graduate Council, Twin Cities Regents etc.).

All proposals must be submitted to Lynn Velander electronically by the department head or the DGS at least one week prior to the date of the appropriate curriculum meeting. All submitted proposals must be reviewed and approved by the department head and must contain his/her electronic signature (see #4 below). Refer to Academic Affairs Council or Graduate Program Council for scheduled meeting dates.

Course Proposals

A course proposal is initiated by a regular faculty member.  Discuss with your Department Head and program members your plan for the proposed course to determine whether the plan is feasible. Choose the template from the UMD Curriculum Process page that reflects the type of proposal to be developed. Carefully follow the instructions on the form and in the linked pages, and forward as indicated in these steps.

  1. Choose a template, complete all parts, and save the file using a descriptive file name, e.g., eled_1010_change, hper_3000_add, etc.
  2. Review all URL links in the form to make sure you conform to University policies.
  3. Submit the proposal to the department curriculum committee. After final editing and approval by the department curriculum committee, send the electronic proposal file to the Department Head for review and approval via email.
  4. Once the Department Head has reviewed and approved the proposal, the Department Head enters x.500 login and name (e.g., jsmith—John Smith) in the signature box. If the proposal is for a Graduate School course, the Department Head will forward the proposal to the program DGS for electronic signature.
  5. The department head or DGS forwards the proposal file to Lynn Velander via email. 

IMPORTANT:  The file must be received by the Dean's Office one week prior to a scheduled curriculum meeting so that the CEHSP curriculum committee members have time to consider the proposal.

Curriculum Committee Consideration

Proposals will be circulated to the appropriate CEHSP curriculum committee.  Curriculum committee members are encouraged to use the review form will consider the following questions in their review.

  • What is the rationale for the proposal?
  • Is the level of the proposed course appropriate?
  • Are the outcomes stated in measurable terms?
  • Do the evaluation methods address the stated outcomes?
  • Is the conceptual outline congruent with student outcomes?
  • Does any duplication across programs result?
  • Is the proposal congruent with the objectives of the program/department?
  • Does the proposal conform to relevant University policies?
  • Are all required sections of the document completed?

**Curriculum Committee Consideration Example

The proposal should include sufficient information to answer these questions.  In addition, the department representative on the curriculum committee should be well versed about the proposal, and/or the faculty sponsor of the proposal should plan to attend the CEHSP curriculum committee meeting in which the proposal will be considered.

Where (which curriculum committee) are course proposals submitted?

Course Level

Considered by

1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx or 4xxx levelAcademic Affairs Council
4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx or 8xxx level for graduate creditGraduate Program Council
NOTE: Proposals for 5xxx courses, and 4xxx courses for which graduate credit is sought, should reflect academic requirements and standards consistent with graduate credit. 
After approval by CEHSP Graduate Program Council, the proposal will be forwarded EVCAA for UMD Graduate School approval. 

Changes to Programs

A program change can be initiated by a regular faculty member. It must be approved with the home department and submitted to the college by the Department Head with their approval.  Discuss with your Department Head and program members your plan for the proposed program change to determine whether the plan is feasible.

  • Updates to programs should be outlined in memo format and submitted via email by the Department Head to the Associate Dean and Lynn Velander in the Dean's Office.

Any variation on delivery of existing programs should be outlined in memo format and submitted to Lynn Velander. The memo should include rationale and explanation of how the content and mission of the program are being effectively delivered in the adaptation. Any exceptions to GPC approved policies necessary for the adapted program should be outlined for approval by GPC. Note: all online course proposals or course changes must also submit an online delivery addendum in addition to a course proposal or course change memo.

Proposals for New Programs

A program proposal is initiated by a regular faculty member. Discuss with your Department Head and program members your plan for the proposed program to determine whether the plan is feasible. The template for proposing a new program, new track or concentration, etc. is available from the UMD Curriculum Process page. Carefully follow the instructions on the form and in the linked pages, and forward as indicated in these steps.

  1. Choose a template, complete all parts, and save the file using a descriptive file name, e.g., eled_1010_change, ahs_3000_add, etc.
  2. Review all URL links in the form to make sure you conform to University policies.
  3. Submit the proposal to the department curriculum committee. After final editing and approval by the department curriculum committee, send the electronic proposal file to the Department Head for review and approval via email.
  4. Once the Department Head has reviewed and approved the proposal, the Department Head enters x.500 login and name (e.g., jsmith—John Smith) in the signature box. If the proposal is for a Graduate School program, the Department Head will forward the proposal to the program DGS for electronic signature.
  5. The department head or DGS forwards the proposal file to Lynn Velander via email.

IMPORTANT: The file must be received by the Dean's Office one week prior to a scheduled curriculum meeting so that the CEHSP curriculum committee members have time to consider the proposal.

  • Proposals for undergraduate programs, minors and concentrations or specializations are reviewed by Academic Affairs Council, with a recommendation for approval/disapproval forwarded to the Dean of the College.
  • Proposals for graduate programs or specializations are reviewed by Graduate Program Council, with a recommendation for approval/disapproval forwarded to the Dean of the College.

Delegation of Authority

Delegation of Authority Home Page

To find information specific for CEHSP:

  • List Delegator (e.g. jppastra) and Delegatee (e.g. fmaas) results in a list of all items delegated to the Delegatee.

Direct Retro

Direct Retro (.xlsx)

Distribution Document

Electronic Course Authorization System (ECAS)

Electronic Course Scheduling

Course Schedule Preparation

Department staff enter all schedule data directly to the Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS) system which is then uploaded to PeopleSoft. A year's schedule is "rolled forward" to the next academic year. Departments are typically advised to update fall schedules in early December, and spring schedules in mid-January. The Dean's Office will provide an electronic dump of current schedule data to assist in schedule preparation.

Department staff will review each record. If the section is to be offered again, all data elements will be checked and updated. Specifically:

  • Any section that will not be offered the next year should be deleted (including section 090 courses in CE).
  • Time, date, room, and instructor should be checked and updated for any section that will be offered the next year (including section 090 courses in CE).
  • Adjunct instructor names should be removed from all sections.
  • Enter contact minutes; contact minutes are 50 minutes per unit for the course, except when controlled by a special workload protocol (see below).
  • Contact minutes for any section of an individualized registration course that has an approved workload protocol should be set to zero (e.g., student teaching, independent study, practicum, etc.).
  • On sections that meet at different times on different days, or are held in more than one room, split the contact minutes between the times/rooms.

Workload Reports

Faculty workload reports are generated from the data warehouse. Instructional workload will be calculated from contact minutes entered in PeopleSoft. Deadlines will be announced for verification of contact minutes prior to generating official workload or course inventory reports.

When a course is covered by an approved protocol, department staff calculate contact minutes for entry to the instructor panel in an amount that interprets the approved protocol.In order to calculate contact minutes, determine the workload contact hour based on enrollment and multiply by 50. Examples follow.

  • CSD 8097. Students enroll in one section with multiple instructors. Contact minutes are based on one contact hour per client assigned to students. Example: Faculty member supervises a student with 2 clients = 2 CH = 100 minutes.
  • Lecture/lab combination, assign actual contact to each portion of the class. Example: PSY 3021 LEC section meets 3 days a week and gets 150 contact minutes; LAB meets 1 day a week for 50 contact minutes.
  • Student Teaching. Supervision of a local student teacher carries 0.67 CH. Example: faculty member supervises 4 student teachers, calculation is 4 x 0.67 x 50 = 134 contact minutes.
  • Independent study. CEHSP protocol is 0.2 CH per SCH. Example: Faculty has 2 students in Educ 5991, one registered for 2 credits and another registered for 3 credits. Total SCH = 5 x 0.2 x 50 = 50 contact minutes. (NOTE: There should be a separate class section of independent study courses for each faculty member.)
  • Internships carry 0.25 CH per student registered. Faculty member has 5 students registered in HLTH 4996. 5 x 0.25 x 50 = 62.5 contact minutes.

Internal (non-negotiated) protocol information is tracked by department staff and prints at the bottom of workload reports.

Workload reports are available for review at any time.There are three different versions of the reports as follows:

  • WORKLOAD PROJECTED report should be printed and reviewed with faculty during spring semester prior to the first day of the registration queue for the subsequent fall semester.The report uses section enrollment cap for fall and spring to calculate student credit hours. Any workload capacity that might be used for special assignment, field supervision, etc. should be noted in the release/overload box at the bottom of the workload report. Data for this section can be entered at the department level or sent to Lynn Velander.
  • WORKLOAD MIDYEAR report should be printed and reviewed during fall semester prior to the first day of the registration queue for the following spring semester to check for any potential overload situations. The report uses actual enrollments for fall and section enrollment caps for spring to calculate student credit hours.
  • WORKLOAD FINAL report will be printed for retention in Dean´s Office anytime after the end of the second week of classes in the spring semester. Report is based on actual enrollments for both terms, plus faculty table updated with all release, overload, and UROP awards.

Course Inventory Reports

Course inventory reports will be printed and submitted by the Associate Dean using contact minute information that has been verified at the Department level. Deadlines for verification will be announced.

Expense Allowability

Business expenses on University Policy Library 

Faculty Multi-year Term Appointment Application

CEHSP Checklist and Procedures for Multi-Year Appointment Applications

CEHSP term faculty who have at least five (5) years of service at the University are welcome to submit applications to be considered for 2-year or 3-year term appointments (i.e., multi-year appointments). Please note the following: a) having a previous multi-year appointment does not guarantee receipt of a future multi-year appointment; b) faculty with a multi-year appointment set to expire at the end of the current academic year must go through this application process to be considered for another multi-year appointment; and c) if an application for a multi-year appointment is denied or the decision about a multi-year appointment is deferred to the next appointment year, a 1-year appointment may still be offered.

This checklist and procedure are in accordance with Section 201.302 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Regents of the University of Minnesota and University Education Association.

  1. To submit an application, the faculty member must submit the following items to their department head on or before October 15 *in 2021, the deadline was extended to October 22:
    • a letter of recommendation from the department head identifying how the faculty member meets the eligibility criteria for a multi-year appointment
    • current curriculum vitae
    • a cover letter (one-page maximum) describing their current position description, including courses taught, typical advising load, and service to the department/college/campus
    • the five (5) most recent merit evaluations (i.e., department head’s signed recommendation and verification form)
  2. The department head must submit the following to the Dean on or before October 31:
    • all the materials submitted by the faculty member (as noted above)
    • any information about enrollment, programmatic need, and student demand relevant to the faculty member’s application
  3. The Dean will review all the application materials submitted, enrollment for the last three years, and workload for the last five years of all faculty who applied for a multi-year appointment. Multi-year appointments will be awarded based upon a college-wide assessment of needs and budgetary considerations.

PDF version of the Multi-Year Appointment Application checklist

Final Exam Policies

Final Exams on Academic Affairs 

Incomplete Grades

Indirect Cost Recovery Allocation Policy

ICR Funds allocated to CEHSP by the EVCAA (after campus level support costs have been paid) will be distributed in the following manner:

  • ICR funding will be distributed twice per year with the amount to be allocated based on what has been generated on a fiscal year basis.
  • 20% of ICR funding received by CEHSP will be retained by the college with the remaining 80% to be distributed to departments based on the percentage of ICR that has been generated by the department within the fiscal year.
  • Distributions will occur twice per year:
    • Departments will receive approximately 75% of their projected revenue allocation (based on last year's percentage of department revenue) approximately midway through the fiscal year.
    • At fiscal year end or early in the following fiscal year, after the EVCAA has transferred CEHSP ICR funding amounts, departments will receive their final allocation based on actual ICR generated.
    • Any shortfalls will be the responsibility of the department and will either be deducted from future ICR distributions or covered by other funding sources (e.g., summer session funds).
  • If deemed necessary to maintain financial stability and/or pay for specific expenses covered by the Dean’s Office, the Dean at their discretion may retain additional ICR funds as a contingency at the college level.
    • The Dean’s Office will report annually to the Department Head Group on the use, balance of any such contingency funds, and plans for ongoing use of the funds.

January 2011 (Amended October 2023)

Insurance, Certificate of

International Scholar Protocol


All international faculty who are interested in spending a semester or a year as a visiting scholar must adhere to the following timeline:

Application submitted by Oct 1 of year previous to planned stay (For scholars planning a visit beginning Fall semester). Notifications of acceptance will be shared by December 1st, of the year previous to planned stay. Letter of invitation will be sent to the faculty awarded visiting status at this time.

Application submitted by Feb 1 of year previous to planned stay (For scholars planning a visit beginning Spring semester). Notification of acceptance will be communicated by April 1st of the year previous to planned stay.

Final acceptance of the visiting scholar is dependent on completing the application process as well as securing all necessary documentation required by US immigration services as well as home country requirements.

Initial contact with the prospective visiting scholar shall come from either individual faculty or via the International Education Office. 

Department contact and Dean will review applications

International Education Office will be notified of all pending and potential scholars considered for UMD residency.

Journal Entry Form

Journal entry form (Google Spreadsheet)


Share your News ideas 

Office Assignments

As a general rule, office space will be allocated based on seniority within rank:

  • Tenured
  • Tenure-track
  • Multi-year contract
  • 1-year contract renewed multi-year
  • 1-year contract for purpose of replacement
  • 75% time
  • Part-time

Recognized functionality issues may supersede, and final authority to assign offices resides with the Dean.
Offices of faculty on sabbatical or any type of leave of absence may be used by replacement faculty when necessitated by space limitations.
For additional guidelines on space allocation, refer to the Academic Space Allocation Guidelines on the Academic Affairs website.

Office of General Counsel

Onboarding for CEHSP Staff

Onboarding - Only available to CEHSP Employees

Overload Agreement

Faculty Overload Agreement (Google Doc copy)
Please contact the CEHSP Administrative Director for non-faculty overload information.

P&A Sick Leave Form


Suggested Guidelines for Providing References for Students

Verbal References

  1. Do not disclose information regarding a student's education record without the written consent of the student.
  2. Informal "lunch" discussions or "off the record" telephone conversations with prospective employers regarding a student's performance should be avoided unless the student is aware of the discussions and has given approval for such conversation.
  3. Information given should be factual, based upon personal knowledge/observation of the student through direct contact with the student.
  4. If any employer contacts faculty or staff and advises the faculty or staff that a student has given permission for the faculty member(s) or staff to give a verbal reference, verification of this permission should be obtained from the student before giving any information to the employer. Such verification can include a copy of the
    student's signed employment application listing the faculty as a reference, or a verbal confirmation by the student, followed by written confirmation.
  5. When giving verbal references, guidelines 2-10 (excluding 4) regarding Written References also should be followed in addition to the guidelines listed above in this section.

Written References

  1. Provide a written reference only if the individual has given your name as a reference.
  2. When you prepare reference letters, be factual; do not editorialize. Avoid vague statements.
  3. Respond to the specific inquiry about the student or job applicant. Direct the response to the particular person who requested the information.
  4. If a "to whom it may concern" reference letter is requested, document that this is the type of reference requested and that the student or job applicant takes responsibility for disseminating the letter to the proper persons.
  5. Relate references to the specific position for which the person applied and the work that the applicant will perform.
  6. A good practice is to avoid giving personal opinions or feelings. However, if you make subjective statements or give opinions because they are requested, clearly identify them as opinions and not as fact.
  7. If you give an opinion, explain the incident or circumstances upon which you base the opinion.
  8. Be able to document all information you release.
  9. State in the reference letter, "This information is confidential, should be treated as such, and is provided at the request of [insert name], who has asked me to serve as a reference." Statements such as this give justification for the communication and leave
    no doubt that the information was not given to hurt a person's reputation.
  10. Do not include information that might indicate the individual's race, color, religion, national origin, age, handicap, citizenship, gender (unless by the individual's name it is obvious), or marital status.
    SOURCE: College Placement Council Legal Monograph: A New Dilemma: Reference Letters and Checks.

Report of External Professional Activities (REPA)

Request Emergency Funding

Request Funding for a Project/Program

Please contact your Department Head.

Request Funding for a Social Justice Related Project/Program

Funding request form for a project or program related to social justice (Google doc)

Research Resources

Research resources (CEHSP page)

Retirement Celebrations

CEHSP Retirement Celebration Policy
(February 2024)

The college wishes to recognize faculty and staff who retire after years of distinguished service to the University. The following policy applies to retirement celebrations for employees with a minimum of five years of service.

A retirement celebration can be held in conjunction with a regular department/unit meeting or as a separately scheduled event. Celebrations can be scheduled to recognize an individual employee or combined to include two or more retirees. Departments/units can provide:

  • Cake or equivalent food item
  • Non-alcoholic beverages
  • Gift less than $200

Sabbatical Leave Form

Sabbatical/Single Term Leave Reporting

Scheduling Classes

The procedure outlined follows section 250.510 of the UEA contract. Human Resources Policies and Procedures Unit 9 (UEA) University Education Association Contract

Scheduling relates to workload assignment. By contract the Principal Administrator has the actual responsibility for workload assignment. Since assignments and schedules are best developed at the department level, as indicated in the contract, the CEHSP Dean has delegated that duty to the Department Heads. The Associate Dean has been assigned to match workload assignment and scheduling with funding and major and minor needs. Our value is to offer courses that allow the students the chance to complete their degree in the expected time with a minimum, if any, number of bottle necks. Technically, the DH makes a recommendation to the Associate Dean, and the Dean approves the recommendation or makes changes in keeping with the responsibility of the Principal Administrator.
To accomplish scheduling and workload assignment, it is wise for department heads to consider the faculty members' expertise and listen to faculty needs and preferences. However, it will be the department head's decision how to schedule and there is no right or entitlement to get the exact scheduling preferred. It depends on major and minor needs, enrollment, and funding. Department heads are advised to consult with faculty when the need arises. There is no standard mechanism for doing so and is thus left to the department head's individual style of functioning.

Search Procedures

Reimbursement Procedures

The Dean's Office will pay for:

  • Maximum of 2 people from search committee at breakfast with candidates
  • Maximum of 2 people from search committee at lunch with candidates
  • Maximum of 2 people from search committee at dinner with candidates
  • Use the per diem rate for Duluth found on the General Services Administration website.

If you choose to purchase food from a vendor and bring to the campus or use UMD Food Service, the maximum to be reimbursed from the Dean’s Office will be at the per diem rate times a maximum of two search committee members plus the candidate.

Candidate’s travel – use the best available rates for airfare; use hotels with U of M contracts only unless a better price is obtainable else where; receipts are required for all additional allowable expenses (e.g. parking, taxi, etc.).

Internal candidates - hotel lodging will not be reimbursed for local candidates.

1) If departments want to spend more than what is allotted from the Dean's Office, they can pay for it from departmental funds as long as University policy and the rule of consistency is followed.
2) Submit request for expense reimbursements no later than June 15.

Short Term Study Abroad Program Policy

Short-term university study abroad programs are the fastest growing form of study abroad for US students. Short-term programs offer a number of benefits for students including flexibility, affordability, and fit given that their home institution offers the programs. Short-term programs also offer unique learning opportunities along with tremendous responsibilities for faculty. From the standpoint of the University of Minnesota, they are considered the highest student safety risk type of study abroad program.  In the spirit of offering students a rigorous academic experience as well as one that complies with University requirements, this proposal outlines a Short Term
University Study Abroad Policy for CEHSP programs. The UMD Study Abroad office developed tools such Short-Term Study Abroad Program Leader Handbook and Checklist for faculty to use and this collegiate policy expands on that information.

Single Semester Leave

Student Credit Hour Limit

Refer to section 250.223 of the UEA Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Access a calculator that will determine, based on approved department contact hour limits, the amount of contact hour reduction or overload for student credit hour generation above the limit.

In the calculator,

  • enter the appropriate department contact hour limit in cell B2.
  • enter the estimated SCH generation in cell C28 or C33, depending on whether the faculty is tenure-track or contract.

Student Worker Pay Guidelines

These CEHSP-specific guidelines supplement the Student Wage Guidelines at UMD. Questions should be directed to the CEHSP Administrative Manager, or Senior Office Administrator, Melissa Plante.

All departments/units are strongly encouraged to give hiring preference to students with work-study awards. Students should contact OneStop with any questions about work-study.

The pay rate for all student workers is $15.25 per hour. Exceptions to this rate are as follows:

Annual retention/longevity pay increases

  • A student working at least 150 hours in the preceding academic year who has demonstrated satisfactory performance will be eligible for a $0.50 per hour increase.
  • For students who worked between 100-149 hours, departments/units can petition for the student to be eligible for the increase. Petitions should be submitted via email to the Administrative Manager.

Specialized and/or senior-level positions

  • Departments/units can petition for a student position to offer a rate of pay greater than $15.25, but no more than $17.00 per hour.
  • Positions considered for a higher rate of pay must demonstrate higher levels of work, increased responsibilities, unique specialization, and/or mentoring/directing the work of other students.
  • Required qualifications for the position should be aligned with the responsibilities.
    Petitions should be submitted via email to the Administrative Manager.

All pay increases above $15.25 per hour are subject to budget availability.

​​​​​​​Summer Session Allocation

Summer Session net tuition revenue allocated to CEHSP by the EVCAA will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Summer Session funding will be distributed once per year, typically late fall semester, with the amount to be allocated based on net tuition revenue from the previous summer.
  • $20,000 from CEHSP’s Summer Session allocation from the EVCAA will be directed to the college’s course access funding. This amount was included as part of CEHSP’s recurring budget allocation beginning in fiscal year 2023.
  • 20% of the remaining Summer Session funding received by CEHSP will be retained by the college with the other 80% to be distributed to departments based on the net revenue that was generated by each department.
  • If deemed necessary to maintain financial stability and/or pay for specific expenses covered by the Dean’s Office, the Dean at their discretion may retain additional Summer Session funds as a contingency at the college level.
    • The Dean’s Office will report annually to the Department Head Group on the use, balance of any such contingency funds, and plans for ongoing use of the funds.
  • Summer Session balances at the end of each fiscal year will be consolidated into one account held in the Dean’s Office. These carry forward funds will be used for initiatives that include, but are not limited to: faculty travel to professional conferences, research expenses, faculty start-up, accreditation, operating supplies and equipment, and expenses related to instruction.


Dean's Office Travel Funds

Funds are available to support faculty presenting peer-reviewed scholarship at conferences or attending a conference in a leadership capacity (e.g., officer position, committee role). Tenure-track faculty may be awarded up to $1,000 per fiscal year. Tenured and Term faculty (50% appointment or greater) may be awarded up to $750. Be sure to indicate on funding request form additional funding sources (e.g., start-up, grants, etc.).

Complete the travel request form based on your CEHSP department/unit:

Travel Policies and Resources

UM System Forms Library

UM System Policy Library

UMD Academic Policy Library

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Selections

Visit the CEHSP UROP site for program description, application/proposal form, and other details.

All CEHSP applications will be prioritized by a CEHSP committee of five who read all proposals and rate against the stated criteria (see criteria below).  The number of proposals funded depends on funds available for UMD. UROP funds are distributed by group meeting of UROP coordinators from all academic units.  Based on recent years, approximately 2/3 of the anticipated funds for a year will be awarded in the spring round for the following academic year.  When funding levels for the campus are firm, the remaining funds for the fiscal year are awarded in the fall round for the following spring semester.

RoundDeadlineCovered Dates for Research
SpringLast Monday of FebruaryApproximate dates: July 1 - December 20
FallFirst Monday of OctoberApproximate dates:  January 1 - May 7

A committee of five – one representative from each undergraduate department - will prioritize applications.  Committee members will not evaluate their own sponsored projects.  Evaluation will be based on the following criteria.

  • Review of Relevant Literature (1-5 scale) (Has the context of the project been established?)
  • Clarity of Goal/Research Hypothesis (1-5 scale) (Has the applicant demonstrated understanding of the project?)
  • Methodology (1-5 scale) (Are the methods described appropriate to the goal/research hypothesis? Is the timeframe for completion reasonable?)
  • Research Implications (1-5 scale) (How will results contribute to the field, or answer a problem/question?)
  • Overall Quality of Proposal (1-5 scale) (e.g., format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, organization, adherence to 3-page limit guideline, etc.)

All UROP applications will be evaluated with the same criteria/scoring system and ranked according to their total score.