Kamal Gindy Peer Advising
Peer advising is a friendly resource for psychology majors and psychology minors to get answers to their questions about classes, scheduling, graduate school preparation, and the benefits of being a psychology major. Stop by Bohannon 221 and meet us! Advisors are also willing to meet with you via Zoom, Gmail, or Facebook! Please feel free to reach out to us via email ([email protected]) or Facebook (Like and Follow our page “UMD Psychology Peer Advisors”) to set up an appointment. We’ll be glad to answer your questions or help you to find resources around campus to answer them.
Peer advisors can help you through the roller coaster ride of college experience by helping with questions about your classes, clubs and activities, Graduation Planner, APAS report, and more!
Meet the 2024-2025 Peer Advisors
Peer Advising office hours
You don't need an appointment, just drop in, or find our virtual office hours in Zoom!
Mondays: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Tuesdays: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesdays: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Thursdays & Fridays by appointment
For appointments email Jared: [email protected]
Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can Peer Advisors Help Me?
- By providing scheduling and class information
- By sharing knowledge of opportunities available in the psychology program
- Through helping you to understand the requirements of a psychology major or minor
- By providing assistance in goal setting
- With referrals to faculty in your area of interest
- By providing tutoring in psychology subjects
- By being a confidential advocate to help you succeed
Where can I locate the peer advisors?
- Peer Advisors are available during office hours at their new location in Bohannon 221
- Peer advisors are available to meet via Zoom at the times listed above on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Peer advisors may be reached by email at [email protected]
- Ryan Hjelle is the faculty advisor: [email protected]
How Can I Become a Peer Advisor?
- You will need to complete an application including references.
- You need Junior or Senior status.
- You need to be willing to help others through advising and tutoring as needed during office hours.
- Three hours per week of effort are required for each credit. (This includes two office hours per week and one additional hour for the biweekly meeting, or recruitment of advisees prior to registration).
- You will need to sign a confidentiality agreement.
- You will need a permission number to add PSY 3991-001 to your class schedule.
What are the benefits of being a peer advisor?
- You have Interaction with faculty, student affairs personnel, and peers.
- You have opportunities to practice helping skills.
- You gain increased knowledge of the psychology program and graduation requirements.
- You can sign up for 1 credits in a semester under PSY 3991 (4 credits maximum will count toward graduation)
- You gain applied psychology experience and an understanding of advising procedures.