- Since 2016, 29 MAPS graduates have been accepted into doctoral programs (see alumni report).
- MAPS alumni are employed in a variety of research, industry, government, educational, and clinical-counseling settings (see alumni report).
- 87 students applied to the psychology master's program at UMD in 2023
- The average undergraduate GPA of incoming MAPS students during the last 5 years was 3.70, with a range from 3.30 - 4.0
Student Experience
- 16 students are admitted to the program annually, typically a maximum of 6 students per track
- 9:1 average student-to-faculty ratio
- The Director of Graduate Studies serves as an advisor to all incoming students
- 100% of MAPS graduate students reported seeing their primary advisor at least four times a month in a recent system-wide survey
- 100% of participating MAPS students reported satisfaction with their opportunities for research in a recent system-wide survey
- Program completers take an average of 2.25 years to complete the program

Student Outcomes
- From 2014-2022, MAPS students had at least 51 publications with faculty advisors, and 198 conference presentations or other scholarly works
- Since 2016, 29 MAPS graduates have been accepted into doctoral programs (see alumni report)
- From 2017-2022, 98% of MAPS alumni reported successful placement in a doctoral program or job
- MAPS alumni are employed in a variety of research, industry, government, educational, and clinical-counseling settings (see alumni report)
- From 2017-2022, 49% of MAPS alumni were employed in Minnesota
- Alumni reported salaries of $52,823 on average per UMD 2018-2022 survey data. A 2022 MAPS alumni survey data suggests an average reported salary of $73,626, which excluded salaries during continued education