
We hope that whether you are a current student, potential student, practicum supervisor, or community member you will be able to access information about our practicum program requirements, as well as other field resources at this site.

Our MSW Practicum Director is Sara Lien and our BSW Practicum Director is Laura Brandt.  Additionally we have a dedicated group of practicum faculty members who work with students every year in an effort to make practicum placements rewarding for both students and human service agencies.

We are especially proud of our emphasis on working with diverse populations, tribal and rural communities. We have over 200 community agencies approved for practicum placements at the present time.

With our Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training grant from the Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA), our program provides paid clinical practicum placements for selected MSW students working in health professional shortage areas.

If you would like more information about our program and cannot find the answers here, please contact Sara Lien at 218-726-8353 or [email protected] or Laura Brandt at 218-726-6205 or [email protected]