Advising & Academic Services

Welcome to CEHSP Advising & Academic Services

Office Open: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Friday in BohH 120.

Drop-in Hours: 1:00 - 2:30 pm Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year either in person or on Zoom (

Hours are subject to change due to official campus holidays or events. 

Academic Advisors

Click on the advisor’s name to schedule an appointment:

  • Jodi Lieske (Communication Sciences & Disorders, Integrated Elementary & Special Education)
  • Ann Miller (Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences, Public Health)
  • Stacy Seminara (Psychology (primary advisor), Social Work)
  • Kevin Stanke (Childhood Nature Studies, Environmental & Outdoor Education, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences, Psychology, Undeclared)
  • Brianne Vigen (Secondary Teacher Education Program, Physical Education, Health and Physical Education, Psychology, Online Psychology)

Who is my advisor?

Your assigned Academic Advisor is listed at the top of your APAS or on MyU > Academics tab. You will have either a faculty advisor or a professional advisor. 

What should I do to prepare for my advisor meeting?

  • Review your APAS to view your past, in progress, and future coursework as well as degree requirements for your major.
  • Write down any questions you would like to ask in the meeting.
  • Is it registration time? Use Schedule Builder to pick out some classes you are interested in. 
  • Arrive on time so you can use all your scheduled meeting time.

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