A distinguished teaching career

Education professor retired after 40 years of service

Professor David McCarthy retired in August 2022 from the University of Minnesota after an impressive four decades of teaching. During his lengthy career, he taught 30 different courses and a total of 1653 academic credits.

McCarthy spent his first 11 years working at the University of Minnesota Waseca. He then went on to work for 29 years at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He attained the rank of full professor at the University of Minnesota Waseca. He also served as the technology coordinator in the Department of Education at UMD from 1994 until his retirement.

The University of Minnesota - Waseca (UMW) was a two-year college that operated from 1971–1992. It provided a blend of technical training and courses in the arts and sciences. McCarthy worked there from 1981–1992. During his time at UMW, McCarthy earned several state and national awards for outstanding, meritorious, and distinguished teaching. 

Some of McCarthy’s key career accomplishments:

  • National Teaching Award, National Institute of Staff and Organizational Development, University of Texas (1986)
  • Meritorious Teaching Award, National Association of College Teachers of Agriculture (1987)
  • Created the Certificate in Educational Computing and Technology at UMD (1994)
  • Created the first computer classroom at UMD with the help of a $400,000 grant (1994)
  • Mace Bearer for the UMD Graduation Ceremonies (1995)
  • Association Development Specialist (ADS) Technology for the Association of Teacher Educators (1992–2022)
  • Laureate Recognition from the Association of Teacher Educators for 25 years of service as the ADS for Technology (2010)
  • Laureate recognition with the Association of Teacher Educators for 25-plus years of service (2019) 
  • Instructed 40 pre-conference technology workshops for the Association of Teacher Educators annual meeting (each year from 1993–2020)
  • Received the 40-Year Teaching Service Award from the University of Minnesota (2022)

In retirement, McCarthy will enjoy his 1934 log home on Lake Nebagamon in Wisconsin. He plans to kayak down the Brule River with friends and family members and cruise through all of northern Wisconsin in his corvette convertible.