All About Minnesota's Forests and Trees: A Primer
The Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Planning Guide. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. 1993.
Climate Change. A Wisconsin Activity Guide-Grades 7-12. 2009.
Community Sustainability Collection. Sustainability Education Project. Izaak Walton League of America. 1998.
Earth Systems Education: Origins and Opportunities. Science Education for Global Understanding. The Ohio State University and University of Northern Colorado.1992.
Eco-Inquiry. Institute of Ecosystem Studies. 1994.
Economics and the Environment. National Council on Economic Education. 1996.
Environmental Explorations: Learning the Environmental Way. Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 1986.
Environmental Literacy Scope and Sequence: Providing a Systems Approach to Environmental Education in Minnesota. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. 2002.
Environmental Studies: Air Quality and Pollution. 4 Color Transparencies, Reproducibles, and Teaching Guide for Grades 3-5. Milliken Publishing Company. 1990.
Geography for Every Kid: Easy Activities that Make Learning Fun by Janice VanCleave. 1993.
Getting Started: A Guide to Bringing Environmental Education Into Your Classroom. National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training and The National Environmental Education Training Foundation. 1994.
Globalchild: Multicultural Resources for Young Children by Maureen Cech. 1991.
Gray Wolves, Gray Matter: Exploring the Social & Biological Issues of Wolf Survival. International Wolf Center. 2006.
GreenCare Handbook for Youth: A Guide for Hands-On Tree-Related Projects. Trees Forever. 1992.
The Incorporation of Environmental Education in Primary School Curricula. Final Report of the International Training Seminar held in Malta: May 27-31, 1991. The Foundation for International Studies.
Investigating Nature through Outdoor Projects: 36 Strategies for Turning the Natural Environment into Your Own Laboratory by Vinson Brown. 1983.
Iowa's Clean Solid Waste Environmental Education Project. Iowa Department of Education. 1991.
Iowa's Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program.
The Kids Nature Book: 365 Indoor/Outdoor Activities and Experiences by Susan Milord.1989.
Learning-In-Deed. Making a Difference in Service Learning. MN Learning in Deed.
Learning With the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Teacher Education. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. 1997.
Leopold Education Project: Lessons in a Land Ethic. Pheasants Forever, Inc. 1996.
Living Things in the Field and Classroom. 1969.
Midwest Service-Learning in Teacher Education Institute. National Service-Learning in Teacher Education Partnership. 1999.
Minnesota Weatherguide Environment Calender CD. Jeffers Foundation and Freshwater Society.
Nature for the Very Young: A Handbook of Indoor & Outdoor Activities. 1989.
Nature Smart: A Family Guide to Nature by Tekiela & Shanberg. 1995.
Outdoor Living Skills Instructors Manual. American Camping Association. 1990.
Paddle-to-the-Sea Supplemental Curriculum: Ohio Sea Grant. 1991.
Papers on the Development of Environmental Education Standards. Prepared by D. Simmons. North American Association of Environmental Education Standards Project. 1995.
Pathways to Stewardship. Curriculum developed by Children's Forest Association, San Bernardino National Forest. 1997.
Project Learning Tree Activity Guide K-6. The American Forest Institute. 1977.
Project Learning Tree: Secondary EE Program
Project Learning Tree: The Natural Source - An Educator's Guide to South Dakota's Natural Resources. Northern State University, South Dakota Game Fish and Parks, and USFWS. 1993.
Project WET: Curriculum and Activity Guide. The Council for Environmental Education. 1996.
Project WILD: Elementary Activity Guide. Western Regional Environmental Education Council. 1986.
Project WILD: Minnesota. 2003.
Project WILD: Aquatic. Western Regional Environmental Education Council. 1987.
Ranger Rick's Nature Scope series
Science Guidelines for Nonformal Education. Stephen Carlson and Sue Maxa. Cooperative Extension Service - Children, Youth and Family Network.
The Second Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy: A survey of adult environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. 2004.
Service Learning Material for Educators and Environmental Literacy
Service Learning Practicum Handbook. The University of Iowa. 1998.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: A Handbook. A Guide for Teacher Educators. National Service Learning in Teacher Education Partnership.
Sustainable Forestry: A Landowner's Manual
Taking Action: An Educator's Guide to Involving Students in Environmental Action Projects. Project Wild. Western Regional Environmental Education Council. 1995.
Teaching in the Outdoors. Hammerman. 1994.
Teaching Kids to Love the Earth. 1991.
More Teaching Kids to Love the Earth. 1995.
Ten Minute Field Trips by Helen Ross Russel. 1990.
The Sierra Club Summer Book by Linda Williams. 1977.
Thinking Globally and Acting Locally: Environmental Education Teaching Activities. Environmental Education Information Report. ERIC/SMEAC. 1982.
Watershed Science for Educators. Edelstein, K., N. Trautmann and M. Kransy. A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication. 1999.
Where Are All the Trees? A Minnesota Primer and Discovery Guide for K-9. Division of Forestry, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands. Environmental Concern Inc. 1993.