Research & Related Reports

Bailey, Carol A. 1996. Sample Chapters for A Guide to Field Research. (2 copies)

Bard, R., Dr. M.L. Lauderdale, and Dr. J.H. Peterson. 1971. Planning for Change.

Bell, Michael Mayerfeld. 1998. An Invitation to Environmental Sociology.

Burch, W.R., N. Cheek, and L. Taylor. 1972. Social Behavior, Natural Resources, and the Environment.

Chavez, D.J. (1993). Visitor Perceptions of Crowding and Discrimination at Two National Forests in Southern California. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Chavez, D., J. Baas and P. Winter. Mecca Hills: Visitor Research Case Study. U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station.

Czaja, R. and J. Blair. 1996. Sample Chapters for Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and Procedures. (2 copies)

Dasmann, Raymond F. 1970. The Destruction of California.

Finsterbusch, K. and C.P. Wolf. 1981. Methodology of Social Impact Assessment: Second Edition.

Fortner, R.W. The Right Tools for the Job: How Can Aquatic Resource Education SucCEED in the Classroom? The Ohio State University.

Friese, G., J.T. Pittman, and J.C. Hendee. (1995). Studies of the Use of Wilderness for Personal Growth, Therapy, Education, and Leadership Development: an Annotation and Evaluation. University of Idaho Wilderness Research Center.

Handy, R. and E.C. Harwood. 1973. Useful Procedures of Inquiry.

Hendee, J.C. and C. Schoenfeld. 1973. Human Dimensions in Wildlife Programs.

Hinchliffe, S. (1998). Outdoor Bodies: The Injunction to Activity and Non-Representational Learning. Journal of Environment and Planning: Society and Space. England.

International Council of Scientific Unions: Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). 1975. Environmental Impact Assessment: Principles and Procedures.

International City Management Association. 1980. Managing Municipal Leisure Services.

Kerlinger, Fred N. 1965. Foundations of Behavioral Research: Educational and Psychological Inquiry.

Kreag, Glenn. 2008. Toward Sustainable Tourism.

Le Master, D.C. and L, Popovich. 1977. Crisis in Federal Forest Land Management.

Marden, P.G. and D. Hodgson. 1975. Population, Environment, and the Quality of Life.

Massachusetts Secretary's Advisory Group on Environmental Education. (1996). Benchmarks on the Way to Environmental Literacy. Roth, C., Ed.

McEvoy III, J. and T. Dietz. 1977. Handbook for Environmental Planning: The Social Consequences of Environmental Change.

Meadows, Donella H., 1974. The Limits to Growth: A Report for The Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind. Second Edition. (2 copies)

Miles, B. H., T. Lawrence and S. Scepaniak. (1987). Transitional Recreational Skills Curriculum for Secondary Special Education Students. Central Minnesota Educational Cooperative Service Unit. St. Cloud, Minnesota.

Patton, Michael Quinn. 1978. Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

Ott, R. Lyman, et. al. 1992. Statistics: A Tool for the Social Sciences.

Rossi, P.H. and W. Williams. 1972. Evaluating Social Programs: Theory, Practice, and Politics.

Sage Contemporary Social Science Issues. 1974. Volume 13: Environmental Quality.

Sage Contemporary Social Science Issues. 1975. Volume 18: The Politics of Environmental Policy.

Sage Contemporary Social Science Issues. 1976. Volume 34: Citizen Preferences and Urban Public Policy: Models. Measures, Uses.

Sedlack, R. Guy and J. Stanley. 1992. Social Research: Theorys and Methods.

Shands, W.E. and R.G. Healy. 1977. The lands nobody wanted - A Conservation Foundation Report.

Singleton Jr., R. A. and B.C. Straits. 2005. Approaches to Social Research. Fourth Edition.

Svinicki, Marilla D. 2004. Learning and Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom. Anker Publishing Company, Inc.

Tickle, A. and I. Welsh. 1998. Environment and Society in Eastern Europe.

Tripodi, T., P. Fellin, and I. Epstein. 1971. Social Program Evaluation: Guidelines for Health, Education, and Welfare Administrators.

Vig, N.J. and M.E. Kraft. 1984. Environmental Policy in the 1980s: Reagan's New Agenda.

Welch, S. and R.Miewald. 1983. Scarce Natural Resources: The Challenge to Public Policymaking.