Staff spotlight: Lee Xiong

Meet Lee Xiong, UMD's new director of the Upward Bound Vision Quest program

When did you start at UMD?

June 5, 2023.

Why did you choose to work at UMD?

Upward Bound and TRIO have a special place in my heart. Being an alumni of an Upward Bound program, I know the program works and I know how important the work is to give low-income communities and first-generation students equitable access to education. It was always my hope to work for an Upward Bound program at the director level and when this opportunity came past me, I had to say yes. 

What do you like most about your job?

The students. I believe young people have so much to offer and it is always exciting to meet them at the beginning of their journey. 

Do you have any advice for students?

Be kind to yourself. A learning mind, body, and soul needs a lot of forgiveness and practice to find a sense of grounding. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

It's funny how once you grow older, the definition of free time changes. When I have time to myself, I try to spend it with my family and make memories. 

About Upward Bound Vision Quest