Meet Erika

Meet Erika, our UMD CEHSP Communications Assistant

My name is Erika Doetkott, and I am a CEHSP communications assistant. I am majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD), with a minor in Deaf Studies. After finishing my undergraduate and graduate studies, I want to become a speech and language pathologist working specifically with children.

When I first entered UMD, I was a Biology major hoping to enter into med school. After taking the Brain Development course with Dr. Molly Harney, I started researching majors in CEHSP and fell in love with the CSD program. I switched all of my plans around but kept my main goal of helping children.

In addition to Dr. Harney’s Brain Development class, I was also able to discover the many experiences UMD has to offer through the University Honors program. I am now serving as the University Honors Student Association treasurer. University Honors has allowed me to continue and develop my love for volunteering, and I feel grateful that as a UHSA officer, I can spread that message to students and help develop the honors program even more.

I am also actively involved with a group of women at the Steve O’Neil Apartments, known as the First Ladies of the Hillside. These women are working to create positive change in their community through art and social enterprise. Working with them has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. They have all taught me so much about strength, bravery, inspiration, and kindness.

When I am not studying or volunteering in the community, I love to hike, read, or do some yoga. My current favorite hiking trail is probably the Split Rock Loop, but it’s hard to pick just one. Ideally, I would spend all my time reading by the lake, but coursework and Duluth weather keep that dream in line.

I am looking forward to working with CEHSP and discovering more of the amazing things the CEHSP community has to offer. I cannot wait to highlight the many hardworking students and faculty CEHSP houses.